Wednesday, October 24, 2012


These words are from the man himself .
I was born right after the war and, in theory, was supposed to hate the Germans. However, when I crossed the border, I saw that in Germany the people are no different from us, they too just want to be happy. I decided that I hate them very silly.
I am a Frenchman, but with a large German influence. I feel it even when I watch football. In general, never imagined that I would be all my life to live only in France.
I decided that the most important thing in life - to have a goal and strive for it. Everything else is worse.
Somewhere in the depths of our lives need to feel useful, have some dignity and opportunity to them to demonstrate.
I could be a politician, it's like coaching: there is also an important experience, the ability to control themselves. In a televised debate loses the one who gets nervous. Once you become aggressive, you lose. This rule sometimes works in sports.
I am for efficiency. Primarily economic. Until 1980 the world was divided in half, people were communists or capitalists. The Communist model was not working, we all understand that, but the capitalist model in the modern world also looks uncertain. It is impossible to ignore individual interests, but it seems to me that the world is evolving too slowly.
Once I went to Hungary to see how the communist regime. Returned with the conviction that he will never work.
The most important thing right now - creating a single world government. No other way. Maybe it will happen in 50 years, but always happens. Otherwise the problem will simply move from one country to another.
After 50 years in Europe, will live on 4% of world population. Do you think that England will be able to live separately, while France separately? It is impossible.
People continue to tolerate the fact that 50 people in the world own 40% of all wealth. Is this acceptable? Is it possible to assume that two billion people live on two dollars a day? I do not believe that this will long be tolerated.
We live in a competitive world, and I love competition. Competitive people should be rewarded.
During the economic crisis in America, Barack Obama said that the more acceptable to some people pay so much money. This is the first sign. I've never heard that a U.S. president would say something like that.
Will take place 10-20 years, and common sense prevail. In competitive world, not everyone can keep up with the best. We already recognize that we are obliged to care about these people. We can not let them just die on the street.
Need to encourage people who move the world forward, inventing a vaccine, invent new airplanes, working day and night, rather than sitting on the couch in anticipation of when tomorrow comes. Yet such people are not the richest in the world.
Footballers do not get as much as some others. That is, the problem is not them. Even the best players in the world earn very little compared with those who gets really big money.
What football team play, makes it great. You can win in different ways, but the team work has always attracted me the most. I do not really like tennis, but I like Davis Cup because it's team tournament. I'm starting to love golf when it comes to the Ryder Cup. It's weird, I know.
I am not against pragmatism, because a good pass pragmatic bad. Do you think that just knock the ball somewhere - it is pragmatic, because sometimes accidentally triggered?
To do any work so that it becomes art.
What is the meaning of live animal life? Everyday life becomes interesting is when we try to turn it into art. And in football the same. Look for FC Barcelona.
Lives of everyone who has a goal to some extent needs to robotics.
After thirty years of coaching in any case, it is the smallness of the insane. You live it, do you think about it, no way out.
When you're hungry, you're talking about it just your stomach. When you're hungry to win, the whole body and your whole life crying to you about it.
To be on top - is like taking drugs. Once your body, your nervous system reaches the peak, invariably followed by a fall. Can not be otherwise.
Sport - a great lesson. Every Saturday, the new exam, and if you did not hand over, everyone will say that you're an idiot. I do not know right or wrong - it's just wrong.
The coach must live as a player. If you spend the night and knows where you drink too much and come to practice dismantled, this is the end. The players are very demanding.
In coaching, or was optimistic about human nature, or become paranoid.
In any organization there are people who never gives up, start all somewhat suspect. They end up in a madhouse.
The company works best when everyone does just the job for which he paid.
I have no friends among the other coaches. Because in football there are situations when either you or he is, and always have confidence. There are coaches that I respect, but also friendly and completely open relationship, we can not be.
Between me and the players have the distance, because I'm the coach. But there must be trust, otherwise I can not work.
One of the main things I learned in Japan, despite of sumo wrestling. At the end of the fight is impossible to guess who won and who lost. They do not show their emotions because they are afraid to hurt the loser. It's unbelievable. That's why I teach my team courtesy.
I'm not an extrovert. I do not like to show their emotions. In my work I had to quickly learn how to control them.
 I do not kick the door locker, cats, and even sports journalists.
In Japan, there are people who, having lost his wife in the morning, come to work and not to tell anyone about it. They do not want to disturb others with problems.
Keep emotions in themselves harmful. Psychologists advise to talk about their troubles, to let them out. I'm sure sometimes cry a high price for what all hold within ourselves.
When you lose a match, think about all those families that you messed up weekend. It's a big load, big responsibility. Sometimes it is better to just ignore and be a little selfish, because if all the time to think about it, quickly go mad.
In South Africa, I spoke with one Kenyan. He said that in his country all the rave of Manchester United and Arsenal. Then he said that after a defeat at Arsenal from Manchester United, his cousin had committed suicide. I thought he was joking, but it was true.
Win trophies very important to me, but there is something stronger and more profound: the way we play and which policy to apply. We're not pumping money from the owner, and it is respected throughout the world.
Objective evaluation of the more realistic. But no great thing in the world was not made without a crazy belief. All these cases were committed by people who were considered crazy. However, without their ideas, the world would be stupid.
Fans Tottenham do not care how and what we do, it is important to just beat us. The same with Manchester United. But among those who really love football, Arsenal is incredibly popular.
Britain must choose: either the Premier League need to prepare a strong England team, or the Premier League need to be first in the world. Now we are somewhere in between. This is dangerous.
At Arsenal, we are creating a new world. It is important that our path has survived - it is important for young players to develop them.
Relationships with people whom you meet in college in 16-20 years, usually last very long. This is our advantage over other clubs, in which players do not grow together.
The common feature of successful teams is that they have smart players. Not necessarily educated, but the ability to analyze problems and find solutions. A common trait of all top-level players is that they can adequately assess his game. For those who objectively evaluates their performance, there is a chance. For the rest have to worry. This is true not only for football.
Football team - as a beautiful woman. If you do not remind her of this, she forgets that she is beautiful.
We have to win the championship. I know that it's pretty reckless statement, but what else can I say? If I say that we can come second, people will think that I was not interested in victory.
If you let fear every day, too deep to climb into his head, he begins to define your actions and you will not even be aware of this. Getting up in the morning, you see the good and bad characters, and it affects the mood of the day. Fearing an error, you begin to think otherwise.
We spend a significant part of life in a depressed state, sometimes without realizing it, sometimes for no reason. In an environment where life is limited and no one knows how much you set aside, it's silly because a lot of time in a depressed state. When did you realize energize not difficult. For the coach, whom everyone is trying to push, especially important to be firm and confident.
Does not evaluate a man - appreciate the results that he achieved, and only on the basis of his disappointment, assess the person.
One of the nicest people I ever met, was Gilberto Silva. This did not stop him winning the world championship and a bunch of other awards. On the field he became an animal.
We have created a monster. Without the limelight Rooney can not even pee on a golf course. It is not normal. Footballers are not monks. You have to understand that now players are under pressure, which has never happened before.
The problem of the media that they are always only think about bad things. The problem of coaches is that they always think only about good things.
Unable to control the players in London. It only remains to be optimistic.
I'm still in football because I love the mornings smell the fresh grass, walk on the field again feel like a kid who plays ball. If I had all the time to sit in the office, I would have been different. I like to watch how the player progresses, I like to plan workouts and see how the team adds. When I stop to enjoy what I go out into the field, I most certainly will end, because in that 90% of my enjoyment of football.
I want to do their job at Arsenal until the end. I built this team, I want to be with her success, and if I go, I'm cheating their own expectations. In general, it's simple.
I can not always be on top as a coach. Need a lot of physical strength, some animal instinct to do the job. Gradually, it goes away, but you compensate loss of experiences, so that a deeper understanding of the problem, you become wiser in dealing with players. I still think I'll stay in football as perhaps the president or anyone else.
I'm not so strong mentally, as Alex Ferguson. In 65, I just find yourself some other work, unless you'd feel the same way as now.
Yes, I'm afraid of life after football.

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